COVID - 19 could the 19 mean TODAY? Perhaps ... we were told to remember the 19th....
Morning thoughts: Since 10% or more wont make it...either they die of SHOCK..heart-attack or they JUST CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! etc.
I also believe there are many who STILL wont believe - even if EBS goes off and all evidence is provided to them... I am kinda thinking these are the people who couldn't wait to get vaccinated.
You know the ones (I saw it with my own eyes)- Daily visits to CVS.... asking when they are going to get the VAX in...... those who received the VAX and wore it proudly as a BADGE of Honor.. I know because I had 2 clients who proudly announced they had just received the even did a dumb little dance in my Showroom.
Could it be these people just euthanized themselves....they were put out of their own misery and ours.... what if something activates whatever it is that they got SHOT UP with....???
I dont think these people are innocent either - I believe they have their dirty hands in something... I deal with a very so called upper class clientele... and have seen many walk into my Showroom with a BOOT on....
Just a thought in a UN-BRAINWASHED MIND of mine....