#emergency #emergency #emergency #emergency #emergency:
#how to save a person quickly who has just succumbed to a #stroke.
Here's how to use a Chinese needle-based method to save a person's life in the event of a stroke:
It would be best if you have a syringe needle at home, but a simple needle for sewing can help too.
Here are some steps you need to take to get there:
1- Hold the needle over heat to sterilize and then use it to stitch the tops of all 10 fingers.
No specific acupuncture is necessary; it should be only a few millimeters from the nail.
2- Make sure that the blood can circulate easily.
If the blood does not start to drip, squeeze the fingers and start pressing the blood to make it flow.
3- When the 10 fingers start bleeding, wait a few minutes and you will see that the victim will be back to life as if he had been resuscitated!
If the victim's mouth is deformed, massage his ears until they become red so that the blood can reach them.
Then prick the soft part of the soft part with the needle in each ear until two drops of blood fall from each ear. A few minutes later her mouth would no longer be deformed.
Wait until the victim returns to his or her normal state without any unusual symptoms and accompany the victim to the nearest hospital.
This life-saving method of bloodletting during a stroke is a method derived from traditional Chinese medicine, and is 100% effective in practice.
Sideci Iroko Youth Office
SG Franck Gboze