"The Government" did this or that is quite different than saying the PEOPLE in the Government are responsible and accountable under the rule of law of the Constitution.
They swear an Oath as elected and unelected officeholders. And anyone of them can be fired, prosecuted, and/or investigated. The Rule of Law is supposed to be the great equalizer and the Free Press, the WatchDog, and the Bull in the China Shop. Exposing the Truth, whatever they are doing that is corrupt and in violation of their oaths no matter how vile and evil.
Paid Public Servants, not some new Monarchy/Ruling Class based on Wealth/Bloodline/Divine Right.
They are also fellow Christians; Catholic or Protestant... What happened to the Golden Rule and the Commandments such as "Thou shall not bear false witness" something most politicians are breaking and need be rebuked, corrected, and what is the goodwill of a Good God & Father reproved.
The problem is that the people themselves are corrupt, not the Government of the People...
The GOP is always playing defense and praying, and in the same breath believing God is in control. What then are you praying for; do you or they tell God what to do? Do the GOP/Protestants/Evangelicals just bend over and take it. "Here come the Wolves... everything evil is God's will, as the Sheep are devoured?"
Or do the Sheep need to become Shepherds and Create their own Will to defend the Flock/America from the Wolves, Foreign and Domestic?
To remove the USA from the corporation set up in 1878 with London, there can't be a President. President Trump did not have enough declared electoral votes and biden will be arrested. This removes the USA from the Corporation. The US military steps in to cover until the original inauguration date March 4. President Trump signed the original Constitution on July 4 2020. This will make President Trump the 19th President after Ulysses S. Grant. Estimates are that 70-80% of congress will be arrested and under NESARA (which Trump signed also) there will be another election using the Quantum Voting System. This QVS patent was obtained by USPS.