Save the date... Mass exodus from Twitler on Nov 10th 2020 one week after the historic Re-election of Donald J. Trump. The Best is YET to Come !
Iwo Jima II.. the Mount Sirubbachi of Independance !
Sad Nursery Rhymes
Propaganda ?
"...x yur heart and hope to die, stick a needle in yur eye..."
Nobody: 💭 "why didn't Nancy wear her kunte kinte scarf today?"
Covid Vaxx dies from Covid Vaxx
News at 11
Corona dies of exposure to Corona
News at 5
Hoaxes usually kill themselves. Wakey Wakey. 🏄
Real Issue :
Placing a loaded cock in a fertile vagina is where the baby is created.
Why do they push so much hypersexualiztion propaganda... Abortion is big business folks.
LifeSiteNews is good people.
Over the target, of course.