
This whole Epstein case is so HUGE it's hard to fully comprehend. Most of us that have been following this from the beginning have understood how if/when this breaks it's going to spread laterally and downward, bringing down some big name ppl with Epstein. What I couldn't comprehend until today is just how far this is going to spread UPWARD to bring down much much bigger fish than just CEOs, celebs, and politicians. Those ppl are all replaceable, which is why they were being targeted for a blackmail op by an intelligence asset. It didn't come together for me until I read this tweet from Ellen Barkin:
"Epstein’s pimp girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, a very well-connected Brit socialite cannot just walk free. This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker."
Link: https://twitter.com/EllenBarki....n/status/11480019722
This admission from Ellen puts her in legal jeopardy if she didn't report it, but reportedly she says she did in the thread of that tweet. Either way, this shows pretty well that it was an open secret kinda like serial rapist Weinstein was. So why was nothing done about Epstein (or Weinstein)? In the coming weeks/months more of the Truth will be exposed, but we already have a pretty good answer from Labor Sec Acosta, who unsurprisingly is all over the news in their attempt to make him the fall guy, and him and Trump the focus, rather than Epstein and his co-conspirators. That's what the "deal" in '08 really did, it gave Epstein a public but quiet slap on the wrist (a lesson because he did fuck up and cause exposure), but more importantly it hid/sheltered all the co-conspirators in a sick underage sex trafficking ring, and only the tip of that iceberg is exposed to those not diving deep already. When Acosta was asked at his confirmation hearing about his involvement in making the deal in the Epstein case, he responded “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,”. There was no push back to that response at the hearing or after. (link- https://www.zerohedge.com/…/bo....mbshell-alex-acosta- )
