5 years ago - Translate


The FBI released records on The Finders yesterday. The Finders are a CIA front established in the 60’s to kidnap, torture & program children in the US via Satanic rituals, sexual abuse and the slaughter of animals. The leader of the cult, Marion David Petite, identified as a pedophile, a homosexual & a CIA officer. The group was discovered in 1987 after six abused children were discovered who had been given away by their parents to a Satanic Cult based out of Washington DC & Virginia. I posted slides with a background on the group from Noreen Gosch’s book Why Can’t Johnny Come Home. 324 pages of documents have been released on the FBI’s website. Let me be clear, this is Pizzagate. It was never just about one pizza restaurant & a basement. That’s what the media lead you to believe to distract you from the bigger picture & to confuse you. With these documents declassified, no one can say there hasn’t been sex trafficking & Satanic Ritualistic Abuse taking place on children at the absolute highest levels of our government. President Trump & his DOJ are clearly preparing to blow the lid on Pizzagate wide open! Bring on the PAIN! ? WARNING: these documents are deeply disturbing.

