
We as Patriots need to stop Pelosi and the Deep State from continuing to use our Social Security funds as their personal bank and withdrawaling large sums (2.4 BILLIONS) in this case for their continued Witchhunt on our dually elected President. If they want to continue this nonsense it should come out of their pockets not our. I pray President Trump will force them to put that money back and anything else they have stolen from SSA over the years.

Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs – Potatriots Unite

Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs – Potatriots Unite

Freedom isn’t free, the saying goes.  And neither is the opposite of freedom, which for today’s purpose, is the impeachment of President Donald Trump.  Counting legal fees for a slew of…