5 years ago - Translate


This is a POWERFUL prayer created by a military man (who has SEEN it ALL), and shared it with us. He said to say it out loud twice a day for full protection.


All Beings, Lifeforms, Thoughtforms, Entities, Assemblages, Technologies, and all else that Exists

That Do Not Have The Highest Interest of All Life Everywhere

And My Highest Interest In Thought, Form, Action, Mind, Deed or Word

I Demand you to Leave my Mind, Spirit, Body & Soul On All Levels, Dimensions, Densities, Levels and Locations NOW & FOEVER & NEVER RETURN

ALL PERMISSION to influence from within or without, to possess or cohabitate in part or in whole, to manipulate in anyway or create or maintain attachments is PERMANENTLY AND FOREVER REMOVED.

All Protections are asked for,

In The Name of The One True Living God Of ALL Compassion, Love, Light & Creation

The Holy Spirit of God

And The Holy Son, The Jesus Christ,