5 years ago - Translate - Youtube


Aussies need to wake up and pay attention.

As Conservative Christian priorities and Middle Australian voices rise in the backlash against the Marxist, Leftist Swindles, and a government with potential (potential) to head in the right direction is invested in Canberra, we ourselves need a Deep State cleaning.

And, there is only one answer: wake up MORE of the population, person by person: your family, friends, community, strangers, colleagues, and more. that's the ONLY solution to the Deep State Cabal : TRUTH.

Why? Because political power comes from, and is an extension of, the power of the people. The government can only really cleanse the DS if there are enough people willing for it to happen.

Now, TRUTH is comprised of 2 aspects. One is internal - purpose, intent. The truth always serves the great whole, ultimately. Externally, facts. Truth reveals facts about the way reality is.

The evidence seems clear that Huawei is the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)'s trojan horse weapon to dominating and taking over hegemony of the 21st and following centuries. Our populations need to be made aware of who is BEHIND Huawei, and why. Naive ignorance is not longer a safe option.

So, earn about Huawei, and spread the facts around. Show who Huawei is ultimately designed to serve; the greater whole, humanity? Or the elites of the CCP and their masters?

Those who are ready to be awake will respond.

