So I am just going to be super bold here, because enough is enough of this signaling back and forth between VK POTUS and even Melania in a much softer, harder to figure out way, and yes me. Yes this is happening. It's REAL and has been going on for a long time. I haven't wanted to believe it, but today, every single VK tweet was pointing my direction and at least a couple from POTUS too. I'm not crazy and I'm not trying to make myself seem all important. The one message for sure is they want me to record this and the connections I'm seeing. But it takes me awhile and they know it. It's why VK just tweeted this out at 11:11 and I haven't seen another tweet again. He's giving me time to type it all up. We all know what 11:11 means...UNITY.
Let her Run.
Be Back later...
That was his last tweet so far today and his first tweet was pointing to my pinned post here. He tweeted this out at 2:19 am, not a typical time VK tweets out:
.Man of Zod
In my pinned post I was typing it up at that same time and even put in it that I saw the time of 2:17. When I actually posted it, well this site doesn't give the time like Twitter does. That's why I have been putting the times in my posts, because this has been going on for a while now and for me to better track. I still need to get better at documenting this. That tweet was connecting to this site and I put a comment under it, way at the bottom. Go read it to get the full picture. Then RIGHT AFTER I post my comment there he tweets out this at 9:41 am:
Good Morning Patriots.
Then I thanked him for it in my next comment in that same spot...the hug...I needed one, because today is the birth date of my nephew that died at the age of 22. And if you all think he is who he is, well that number resonates. I also think that maybe they want a pre-reveal to all the patriots that are following this so closely, before the public gets one. That's the sense I'm getting. The reveal, well if you look closely at my pinned post here, it's all in there in this one line:
I just checked and he still hasn't tweeted again. He's waiting for me. I will continue this below all of the connections. I will also go find my comment I put under his account on here to make it easier for you.