Distilled Illusion added new photos to PINDAR
4 years ago - Translate


Any Anons still wondering who the P is in Q drop #416
Check out my theory, let me know what you think

I'm sure many of you have heard 'In The Matrix' talk about the "P" is the PAYSUERS & hey he may be right. I don't think so and here's why......... I brought that very family name up about a month before he started going on shows saying he had figured out it was them. I got no affirmative from Q which normally when Q anons got the target, he would acknowledge... Some people have thought Pindar as well, who is supposedly some ruling lizard and that was ruled out.... BUT I'VE RESEARCHED & PINDAR IS MUCH MORE THAN A LIZARD. (keep in mind the reptilian representations by the vatican/catholic church, buildings in the shape of reptile heads etc.) WHAT I FOUND & BELIEVE IS 'THE' "P" REFERENCED (KEEPING IN MIND THE Q DROP SAYS "GEORGE SOROS TAKES ORDERS FROM P" SURELY HE DOESN'T ANSWER TO THE PAYSUERS, A POWERFUL BUT SINGLE FAMILY) MY RESEARCH FOUND A MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FACILITY IN LONDON THAT CONNECTS VATICAN, (WHICH MEANS MOST LIKELY INCLUDES THE JESUITS WHO WE ARE LEARNING ARE BEHIND MUCH OF ALL OF THE EVIL THAT HAS INFILTRATED HUMANITY) THE DEEP STATE, THE CROWN, THE 13 BLOODLINE FAMILIES WHERE PLANS ARE MADE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY, A GROUP THAT SOROS WOULD MOST DEFINITELY HAVE TO ANSWER TO. CHECK OUT THIS SINGLE PAGE ABOUT THE 'PINDAR' THAT I FOUND & BELIEVE IS THE "P" IN THE Q DROP. SEE WHAT YOU THINK... This is likely the biggest riddle posted by Q next to "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here" and I can't wait until it is revealed.
