
Mit seinen #[1032]- #[1033] #[1034], #[1035], #[1036] und der Gründung des #[423]- #[1037] global intel, aus dem OSS, unter Federführung des Vatikan.

Die Nazis, der Vatikan und die CIA

CIA and the Origins of the BND, 1945-1949
Operation Paperclip Case File: The CIA and the NAZI’s
James Jesus Angleton= Masterspion der Knight of Malta

Allen Dulles SuperSpy Head of CIA, Operations PaperClip and MK-ULTRA, Fired by President Kennedy, Worked on Warren Commission to

When Adenauer named Dr. Hans Globke as his Secretary of State, the West German chancellor laid his cards on the table. Globke’s checkered past included wartime service at the helm of the Nazi Interior Ministry’s Office for Jewish Affairs. He drafted the infamous Nuremberg Laws for the Protection of German Blood and wrote the “Commentary” that provided the rationale for genocide.

The Interior Minister who signed the Nuremberg Laws, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, was sentenced to death at Nuremberg and hanged in October 1946. Globke would appear to have been culpable, too, having advanced his career during Nazi rule. His immediate supervisor, Interior Ministry Legal Counsel Bernard Loesner, resigned following Hitler’s decision to proceed with the extermination of European Jewry. When Loesner stepped down, Globke stepped up and left his fingerprints on the Final Solution.

But Globke was not only spared the fate of some colleagues tried at Nuremberg but emerged as an important figure in shaping post-war West Germany. In the 1961 book, The New Germany and the Old Nazis, T.H. Tetens, a German economist who worked for the U.S. War Crimes Commission, noted that Globke controlled every department of West Germany’s government in Bonn and “has done more than anyone else to re-Nazify West Germany.”
Author T.H. Tetens noted the irony in Dr. Globke, “[the] former key administrator in the Final Solution, [having] full control over the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.” Had he lived long enough, Tetens might have suggested that the BFV be renamed the Office for the Protection of Neo-Nazis.

Tetens might also feel vindicated by recently released CIA documents describing another branch of German intelligence that Globke’s controlled, the vast spy network run by Adolf Hitler’s former espionage czar, Lt. Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, a.k.a. the “Gehlen Organization,” a.k.a. “The Gehlen Org” or, simply, the “Org.”

Until 1955, when West Germany became a sovereign state, the Gehlen Org operated nominally under the aegis of James Critchfield of the CIA which paid for the Org’s intelligence product. In reality, Gehlen ran the Org from its creation in 1946 until his retirement in 1968. In 1956, the Org officially became Germany’s foreign intelligence service and was renamed the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND).

Recently, the BND has been declassifying its files to come clean about its postwar origins. Documents released to date by both it and the CIA confirm suspicions that, at least in the Gehlen years, the Org/BND was little more than a U.S.-bankrolled “sheep-dipping” operation for fugitive Nazis.

113. Martin Bormann was private secretary to Hitler and later director of the party chancellery, Reich Minister, and member of the Cabinet Council for Defense. During the last year of the war Bormann was the most important man in the Reich with the exception of Hitler, who he was often near to coordinate access to the Fuhrer. Researchers may find useful Joseh von Lang, The Secretary, Martin Bormann, the Man Who Manipulated Hitler. trans. Christa Armstrong and Peter White (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1981); William Stevenson, The Bormann Brotherhood (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1973); J. MacGovern, Martin Bormann (New York: Morrow, 1968). [Back to text]
105. Reinhard Heydrich in 1932 established the intelligence department (Sicherheitsdienst, or SD) of the SS and in 1934 became an SS lieutenant general and took command of the Prussian Gestapo in Berlin. In 1936 he was appointed head of the security police (Sicherheitspolizei, or Sipro), within the Ministry of the Interior, giving him nationwide control of the Gestapo and the criminal police (Kriminalpolizei, or Kripo). Thus, as head of the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshaumptamt, or Reich Security Main Office), which was established in 1939, to oversee all police activity, he was Heinrich Himmler's deputy. On September 27, 1941, Hitler appointed him Deputy Reich Protector for Bohemia and Moravia. At the Wannsee Conference held on January 20, 1942, he was chosen to administer the "Final Solution. " His brutal actions in Czechoslovakia resulted in him being assassinated by members of the Czech resistance in May 1942. Researchers may find useful Charles Wighton, Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman (London: Odhams Press, Ltd., 1962); Edouard Calic, Reinhard Heydrich, trans. Lowell Blair (New York: Morrow, 1982).[Back to text]
119. The RSHA (Reichssischerheitshauptampt) was The Reich Main Security Office formed under the leadership of Reinhard Heydrich in September 1939. Its departments included the Intelligence Division, the Gestapo (Secret State Police), the Criminal Police and the SD (Security Service). The Special Intelligence Division, established by Walter Schellenberg, was charged with procuring foreign currency, among other activities. Amt VI (Office VI), headed by Adolf Eichmann, was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution " to the Jewish problem. [Back to text]
120. Walter Schellenberg from 1939 to 1942 was Deputy Chief of Amt VI of the RSHA (Reich Main Security Office), in charge of the political secret service for foreign countries. In 1942, he was promoted to head Amt VI of the RSHA and Chief of Security in the occupied territories. In 1944 he was appointed head of the united SS and Wehrmacht military intelligence, standing second only to Himmler in the Gestapo hierarchy. Researchers may find useful Walter Schellenberg, Hitler's Secret Service: Memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, ed. and trans., Louis Hagen, 2nd Ed., (New York: Pyramid, 1962). [Back to text]

Die #[1032] haben zusammen mit dem roten Kreuz und der CIa Hitler und andere in Sicherheit gebracht.

Die Nazis, der Vatikan, die CIA and the swizz bankers, worket together under the flag of the #[1048], for the #[1049] of modern imperial roman empire.
The Vatican Church State was instrumental in establishing the UNO, the CIA and NATO when it came apparent that their Third Reich (Third Holy Roman Empire) was collapsing. The Vatican, under Operation Odessa secretly aided top Nazi officers and political officials, including Adolf Hitler, to escape capture in the final months of WWII. Most Nazi SS officers fled to Argentina and Brazil. Adolf Hitler lived out the rest of his life in Argentina. The Antipope (false prophet) Francis was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina as the son of Italian (Romanus) parents.
The ODESSA, from the German Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, meaning “Organization of Former SS Members,” was an international Nazi network set up towards the end of World War II by the Vatican. The purpose of the ODESSA was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, later known as ratlines, to allow SS members to avoid their capture and prosecution for war crimes. Most of those fleeing out of Germany and Austria were given Red Cross passes by the Vatican and helped to escape to South America and the Middle East as Red Cross personnel.

Former American OSS officer and member of the US War Crimes Commission, verified that plans were made for a Fourth Reich before the fall of the Third, and that this was to be implemented by reorganizing in remote Nazi colonies overseas. Many SS officers escaped through Austria to Italy, where a Franciscan priests equipped them with Red Cross refugee passports and sent them on to Buenos Aires, Argentina. A Vatican official, Bishop Aloïs Hudal, was appointed by Pope Pius XII to be the principal agent in helping Nazis escape to South America. As the war neared an end, Pope Pius XII opposed Germany’s unconditional surrender demanded by the Allies. As many as 10,000 former Nazi war criminals made it to South America along escape routes set up by the Vatican’s ODESSA and the Deutsche Hilfsverein.
It wasn’t by chance that the Vatican elected Romanus (an Italian) Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina. Thousands of the Vatican’s Third Reich’s SS called Argentina their home and base of operations for establishing the Vatican’s Fourth Reich. Holocaust mastermind Adolf Eichmann and Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele, fled to Buenos Aires Argentina in the aftermath of the Second World War. Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires Argentina on December 17, 1936 to Italian immigrant parents. Remember that Italy and Germany were allies in WWII. The Vatican became a City State on February 11th 1929, through the Lateran treaties between the Holy See (Santa Sede – SS) and Italy.

Vatican City was established as an independent state on Feb 11 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and by Prime Minister and Head of Government Benito Mussolini on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.
Pope Benedict XVI resigned on Feb 11, 2013, on the anniversary of the creation of the Vatican City State.

- Hitlers Flucht- 200 Seiten
auf dem FBI Infoserver!!!!
#[1050] #[1051]
Das Beast Merkel
- Hitlers Flucht vom server der CIA

Sereny attributed the escape of SS members to postwar chaos and the inability of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Cross, and the American military to verify the claims of people who came to them for help, rather than to the activities of an underground Nazi organisation. She identified a Vatican official, Bishop Aloïs Hudal, not former SS men, as the principal agent in helping Nazis leave Italy for South America.

Argentine writer Uki Goñi, in his 2002 book
The Real Odessa:
Smuggling the Nazis to Perón’s Argentina, suggested that Sereny’s more complex, and less conspiratorial, story was closer to the truth. In 1938, on the verge of World War II, and with Hitler’s policies on Jews in transit, Argentina’s government sanctioned an immigration law restricting access by any individual scorned or forsaken by his country’s government. This law was alleged to have implicitly targeted

Jews and other minorities fleeing Germany at the time, and was denounced by Uki Goñi, who admits that his own grandfather had participated in upholding it. Between 1930 and 1949, however, Argentina took in more Jewish refugees per capita than any other nation in the world, with the exception of Israel. Dr. Leonardo Senkman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that "the reopening of post-war European emigration to Argentina during the first Peron Presidency in 1946 pushed up the net immigration figure to 463,456 persons between 1947 and 1951..." the highest in thirty years.[8]
The legislation, though already in disuse for many years, was repealed on 8 June 2005 as a symbolic act. The Jewish Virtual Library writes that while Juan Perón had sympathized with the Axis powers, "Perón also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have emigrated to Israel from Argentina."[9]

Of particular importance in examining the postwar activities of high-ranking Nazis was Paul Manning's book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, which detailed Bormann's rise to power through the Nazi Party and as Hitler's Chief of Staff. During the war, Manning himself was a correspondent for the fledgling CBS News, along with Edward R. Murrow in London, and his reporting and subsequent researches presented Bormann's cunning and skill in the organization and planning for the flight of Nazi-controlled capital from Europe during the last years of the war—notwithstanding the strong possibility of Bormann's death in Berlin on May 1, 1945, especially in light of DNA identification of skeletal remains unearthed near the Lehrter Bahnhof as Bormann's.
According to Manning, "eventually, over 10,000 former German military made it to South America along escape routes set up by (the) ODESSA and the Deutsche Hilfsverein..." (page 181). The ODESSA itself was incidental, says Manning, with the continuing existence of the Bormann Organization a much larger and more menacing fact. None of this had yet been convincingly proven.[citation needed]


Und die geheimen Untergrundfluchtwege von Hitler und den anderen NaZi´s ~>Die Ratline des Vatikan- CIA- Swizzbanker

In 1948, the Knights of Malta gave one of its highest awards to General Reinhard Gehlen, Adolf Hitler's chief anti-Soviet spy.
Gehlen's Nazi spy network joined up with the CIA after World War II.
The Knights of Malta gave an award to James Jesus Angleton of the CIA.
According to State Department documents, Angleton decided to give money to an organisation called Catholic Action and use it to help the right-wing win elections in Italy.
The USA has its Knights of Malta, some of whom have used their influence to promote right-wing causes in South America.
The CIA's Vernon Walters
In 1982, President Reagan sent General Vernon Walters, a Catholic and a former deputy director of the CIA, to meet withthe Polish pope, John Paul II.
Walters was involved in the CIA coups in Iran !!!,
1953, Brazil, 1964, and Chile, 1973. (CIA Meddling in Latin America - 1954 to 2002)

“The S.S. organization has been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.

“Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent to the Jesuit General and the whole structure and direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.

Certain things in history get lost in the shuffle like Adolph Hitler’s loyalty to the Vatican and his eternal gratitude paid to the Jesuit Order. Hitler served the Catholic Church faithfully and he wasn’t afraid or ashamed in admitting his endless devotion to the Society of Jesus And if one looks closely, President obama has the same look, feel and rhetoric of a modern day Hitler. In fact, he can be looked at as the Vatican’s new boy on the block or its Americana version of Hitler as he pushes his fascist-war mongering agenda on the people of the United States and the people of the world. “And you can bet that the Vatican and the Jesuit Order are behind everything,”

the Vatican placed Adolf hitler in power. For example, Knight of Malta Franz von Papen from the Center Party helped the Nazis to recieve political power in the German Parliament. The Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [which was signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), on July 20, 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar. Von Papen was the personal advisor to Pope Pius XII. even “The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola

“Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church ofRome.” – Quote Civilta Cattolica (House organ of the Jesuits) Even his Mein Kampf book

was written, for Hitler, by German Jesuit Staempfle So, a Vatican/Nazi link is for real. The great author Jack Chick is absolutey correct to point to the Holocaust as a 20th century Inquisition.

Donovan was a dedicated Roman Catholic until his death. He was the leader of the OSS. The OSS was the precursor of the CIA. Donovan was also a member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and he graduated from Columbia in 1905. Being a veteran of WWI, he will get an abundant of military including intelligence experience in his life. He was awarded the Lateran medal and the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester. Many other Directors of the CIA would be ironically Knights of Malta like William Casey World War II ended in 1945 and the Nuremberg trials commenced.

The Jesuit Edmund Walsh had chatted with Grigori Zinoviev, who was president of the Petrograd Soviet. This proves that high level Jesuits and high level Freemasons worked together for centuries on many endeavors. That is why Knight of Malta Franz von Papen was acquitted in Nuremberg.as a high level knight of malta he was above prosecution The Vatican Ratline allowed the Vatican to make Nazi (plus Ustashi) fascist war criminals to escape justice. They were smuggled into Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Australia, Canada and of course the U.S. Mark Aarons and John Loftus wrote a book entitled, “Unholy Trinity” exposing the Ratlines.

Nazi General and war criminal Reinhard Gehlen would work with the CIA. Gehlen also was given the highest honor of the Knights of Malta called the “Grand Cross of Merit” award. Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace would be a key figure in Operation Paperclip where Nazis war criminals were sent into America for technological reasons.

In fact, Fidel Castro was the guest of honor at Zachi’s episcopal consecration. Fidel Castro was the honored guest of the Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in November of 1996 and the pope in turn visited Castro in Cuba in January 1998. Both meetings were marked by cordiality, which puzzled and upset many in the American Cuban community, who don’t yet understand the close ties between communists and the Vatican.

The late John Paul II opposed the embargo against CubaThe Ecumenical Movement and the Modern World The Modern Ecumenical Movement was invented by the Vatican via Vatican II Council in the early 1960′s. Around this time, Pope John XXIII was a friend of Liberation Theology. He was Pope from 1958 to 1963 (He wanted to talk to the Communists when components of Communism is apart of the new world order agenda from a central bank to the stealing of private property).

Jesuit John Courtney Murray, was called one of the “architects of the Second Vatican Council.” Vatican II’s Dignitatis Humanae Personae claimed to support religious liberty.

This Vatican II Council promoted false Alexandrian corrupt Bible versions (like the NIV. The NIV is heavily influenced by Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch.

Therefore, Vatican II wasn’t about reconciliation, it was about Rome trying to control all Christian churches via compromise. Today, famous Ecumenicals include Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, even John Hagee, Robert Schuller, and Rick Warren. Billy Graham would praise the Roman Catholic Mass.

Cardinal Spellman is an important Cold War figure. In my opinion, he was the most powerful American clergyman of the 20th century. He had ties to the CIA, Chiang Kai-shek, President Roosevelt, MacArthur, the Pentagon, and Wall Street. Cardinal Spellman was nicknamed Cardinal “Moneybags” because of his immense wealth.

Cardinal Spellman was a supporter for U.S. military involvement in Vietnam as early as the 1950’s. In the 1960’s, he would call the American soldiers fighting in Vietnam as the “soldiers of Christ.”

SMOM is short for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta aka the Knights of Malta.

Stankard (Chase Manhattan Bank) have spoken at Opus Dei meetings. Presently, the Knights of Malta (who exited since the 1100’s A.D. According to William Cooper and Fritz Springmeier, almost half of the Knights of Malta are in the Black Nobility families) still have great corporate power.

Knight of Malta Alexandre de Marcendes was in the France intelligence agency called SDECE. Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain today (who is pictured with Bush, Pinochet, and other world leaders. Juan Carlos is a member of the Order of the Garter and the head of the Golden Fleece) is a significant force in Middle East negiotations.

The Knights of Malta today are ruled by Matthew Festing, who is the worldwide Grandmaster of the Knights of Malta. The SMOM Joseph E. Schmitz had ties with the mercenary Blackwater organization. Blackwater has been caught murdering Iraqis, even by American investigators.

SMOM Giscard D’Estaing is a huge promoter of the European Union. An European Union has been a Vatican brainchild for centuries. SMOM Frederic V. Salerno was the President of NYNEX Worldwide Services Group and a Senior Advisor to Gabelli Group Capital Partners

Bush 41 was the Director of the CIA during the 1970’s. He was also awarded the Knight of Malta award of Savoy. He was in WWII, he was a Bonesmen. George H. W. Bush is famous especially for calling for the existence of the new world order in 1990 during his State of the Union Address. He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath One of his sons named Jeb Bush is also a member of the Knights of Columbus.

