
Goodnight my friends!
I wanted to let you know what is going on with my health. Back when my Dad was dying last summer, I was under a lot of stress. I lost a lot of weight without trying and thought it was stress. My Dad died Sept 10 th and I still kept losing weight but was busy helping my mom. When I went in for my annual checkup last month my Dr was concerned because I’d lost 52 lb. I’ve been having problems being nauseated all the time and I didn’t have any appetite. Had a bunch of tests and last week I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Tomorrow afternoon I’m going into the hospital and having lymph node biopsies and staging of the tumor to see what treatment I will be advised to take. I will be in the hospital overnight.
I’m not afraid, because no matter what happens I know where my final destination on this journey will be. I would like to ask you to pray for my family as they are very frightened and upset (especially my Mom and my daughter- my two best friends).

Please pray for our President and his family, for our nation and the world to be freed from the satanic elite control, for us soon have a new better world for our children and grandchildren and for each other that we have no fear going forward in God’s Plan.
Hope you all get good rest and only have good dreams. You are, every one of you, in my prayers every night. I love you all! ✨???❤️
