VK tweeted lyrics to the Gambler...Hum's who has been posting lyrics on here? Anway, he posted it at 10:19:
Follow the LOOP.
Before this I was seeing watch the water posts from his previous tweet. Wasn't landing right on them, but they were in the area. Funny how I was thinking about a pool just yesterday. LOOP...POOL Mirrors.
Want my Edith story about the pool? Are you someone that likes to go to the high board and just jump or dive in first thing and let the cold shock you? Or, are you someone that likes to go into the shallow end and slowly walk in? I'm kind of in the middle. Go into the shallow end until I'm about waste deep and then dunk in. But ever since I went back to that wedding of my niece Mary and we all went swimming in the hotel pool and got really sick after it. Well, I was done with pools of any kind. Never ever again. Just done with them...at least those public pools. Definitely not the pool we might be talking about here. When I came across that Wedding post I did with the chemical spelt differently was when this all popped into my brain.
POTUS in 3 minutes!!!
Elle DiNardi