
I don't agree with the thumb nail, it is the info inside. The Amish have it right. Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him. 1Kings 19: 9-14, 18
Isn’t it wonderful and encouraging to know God has always had a remnant…a small group which has not bowed to Baal? As bad as things look today, there is still a Holy remnant. I take great encouragement in knowing that is true, and pray daily to continue to be a part of that small but faithful group. Real Gold and Silver Coins not Currency, money back by gold and silver limits corruption. Coinage Act 1792 Constitution, It is written ONLY Gold and Silver can be used as tender in payment of debt.

Human Society is a Suicide Cult

Human Society is a Suicide Cult

Human Society is a Suicide Cult