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4 years ago


4 years ago

Post 8801034 44 minutes ago • View on 8kun
We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity

As we look at events surrounding the "COVID-19 pandemic," various questions remain unanswered. On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, two major events took place. One is "Event 201," the other is the "Military World Games," held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.

At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in "reducing population growth" by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.

Congress & all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete.

=Needs 25,950 signatures by May 10, 2020 to get a response from the White House==


We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government