4 years ago - Translate - Youtube


RANDOM NOTES PART ONE: Just to grasp the velocity of real news out there and not the fake PETE and REPETE NEWS of the MSM: This took me only 10 minutes to compile :

-OUT OF SHADOWS: I am sure most everyone saw this on here I will attempt to have my Daughter watch this- if I can get my Daughter to watch it- that will be my biggest accomplishment this week: The sad thing is the creator of the movie is under attack- I am not sure if these are physical threats or spiritual attacks- We all need to PRAY for the ones who really risk a lot by releasing information like this.

-YOU TUBE will not list this movie on the TOPS LIST - or MOST VIEWED - I believe its close to 20+ Million viewers ... If you have not seen this - I suggest that you do:

-WISCONSIN: Why is Wisconsin on lock down until May 26th ? That is ridiculous - I have to assume its a DEMO State (I don't even know which states are Demo states) I think I will make a list because it might answer some questions. I will also have to check out the number of outbreaks - even though I do not trust any of these numbers.