4 years ago - Translate


James 5:16

16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Hebrews 12:14

14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

It is on my mind to reach out to those honestly struggling. I cannot imagine what some of you are facing. For sure, some are met with many financial difficulties at this time. I know those with family still working in essential jobs must have those loved ones on their minds every second.

It also occurs to me that some may be in homes with frustrated & unruly children, an abusive spouse, some are completely isolated & all alone.

It could be so many things you are struggling with. Boredom, fear, anxiety, addiction, hunger, loneliness, depression, anger and yes, even thoughts of self harm.

As Gods children we should include our brothers and sisters in prayer. If this is on my heart to do, what has Our Father placed on yours?

Where two or more are gathered God is there & praying for others affords us healing. Prayer is that powerful. It calls on Our Father to be with us & He brings with Him, healing powers.

Remember you can shut all of this off. If it is heavy, if it is too much, if it is making you suffer to know & think of all that is going on. What might happen next.

Please walk away for a bit. Even anons need to take breaks. Where your absence is, God will fill that void until your reenergized return. Make peace with those you are in conflict with. Give to God the anger you feel for those who wronged you and us. Pray His Will Be Done.

My prayer is that you be given whatever it is you need so desperately. You are a child of God and He is with you. He is able. Please hold on.

Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, forgive us of our sins.

Lord God, while we wait on You, while we may be in moments of despair. Comfort us.

We are all impatient, we have doubts & sometimes we think we know what to do to fix our situation. In chaos and trials it is easy for us to imagine that we can somehow control the day.

Oh Lord, forgive us.

We know The Truth.

We know You ask us to be still. That rest is available in You. That protection , provision and peace are available through You. Take from us all that belongs to You. We leave every concern at The Throne. Please Jehovah place Your hand on everyone who reads this that imagines there is no way out. Whoever might be tormented by anything. That is struggling with every minute that passes. Release super natural favor in their lives. Send The One & The Way.

Please Yeshua let the Love of God swallow & mend all our broken pieces in our body & mind.

For as long as it takes, till we see relief or The Son, we wait on You. We give thanks to You.

We raise even weary voices to Praise Your name.

We believe You are moving now. In impossible situations. In our homes, in relationships, in our finances, in our careers & in our mental state.

Thank You for all we have. For Your never ending mercies. In Jesus name ~amen

Please Lord surround entirely President Donald J Trump, his family and staff in Your protection. Thank You for this family we have built WWG1WGA! Cover completely Q and the trusted few. Bless and keep our admins and anons. Those who are working on 8kun. Please Lord extend favor & complete protection to our healthcare professionals and all essential workers. Keep our police, firemen, secret service, national guard, border patrol, ice agents, military, first responders, coast guard, the space force and all of their their families under Your protection in their professions as they protect and serve. God bless Israel~amen