5 years ago - Translate


Lord, step down like You did in the Hebrides in the mid 1900s! Even more so, Lord! Father, Your people are hungry to see Your Love conquer the darkness in this hour! Lord! Protect and guide our President! Manifest Your power to utilize the authority You have placed with him in stewardship! Lord, Your people are crying out, we know You will hear! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

You can read of testimony of the Hebrides revival from Duncan Campbell, a man God chose you use during this great season of refreshing and you can see an hour long feature of Duncan Campbell speaking on the subject.
BUT DON'T START SEARCHING JUST YET... there's a modern-day event happening right now that warrants your attention and spiritual understanding.

There are many testimonies that speak of the power of God working miraculously. I believe that in the presence of that power it is impossible that things are not effected by it.

This is my home, America, and this country needs revival... but not just any revival, an awakening! The minds of her people grow dark and perversion is touted as being normal and the boundaries of normal constantly edge toward more darkness and more perversion. We have a President in the White House right now that is literally an outsider to the very "government" that has led America to this place. His name? Donald Trump.

No man is sinless, and I don't like many things about many men, including my President, whom was elected, whom God granted him place as President, but I know this: God has plans for Donald J Trump.

A Man of God proclaimed Trump to become a trumpet in America way back in 2007: there's more but for your eyes' sake I'll be brief.

I want you to see this video. It's only 5 minutes long and my born-again spirit bears witness to it. Please let it encourage you to prayer and fasting for the times to come. Enjoy!


Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.