
So am locked out - sort of - from@ jepafo

I have <F5>, <CNTR><F5> <CNTR><R> even hard cleared my cache.

I can log into this account - so it cannot be my browser, VPN, Proxy, ISP, Network hardware.

What happens:
- I log into wg1wga.com (ok, now wego.social) - it accepts my username and password.
- it then requests two-step authentication; which I had turned off (and Kobayashi turned off)
- I enter the code
- it then either accepts the code and says in small green print that it was accepted and then one of three things happen:
1] boots me out immediately to the login popup
2] takes me to a 'SUCCESS!' page
3] takes me to my notification wall (here I normally land) where it promptly kicks me off by a popup saying 'session timeout'

One other observation - am successfully logged into Drop.Space concurrently - no issues there....

#sitebug Kobayashi
Feeling Very sad