5 years ago - Translate


SHARING: - I am sharing a story that I have shared before (but the later years ) I feel such a connection to JFK as well as our President: DONALD J TRUMP. For now I will share my JFK storyBOOK.
John F. Kennedy: You know how in grade school the BOOK FAIR would come to your school? - While everyone was buying Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys - or Star Wars......(now I am revealing my age) - I purchased "PROFILES IN COURAGE"......By: John F Kennedy.... I remember setting it on my desk in my bedroom and always looking at the cover .... "some-day" - I thought to myself: "I will read this book and understand it...." BUT -I reveled in the photos that were in the middle of the book......

From the desk it moved to my closet - but I always made sure that it was facing me - Every time I opened up my closet door - I would see the book...... Prompt up on the shelf .......Yeah- You book- "I am going to read you one day"..... This book sat on display for years / When I was a Senior in High School or perhaps it was the summer before- I remember grabbing the book and thinking to myself: "You must read this before you graduate High School".....

I would carry the book around with me for years : (to the beach - to the pool - to babysitting jobs)- My Mother would ask: "What are you doing with this book- whats with the book?" - "Are you going to actually read it?" - "You have had that book displayed in your room since you were in fourth grade...." Blah blah blah .....

I did read the book eventually - however - what I didn't tell my Mother - was the real reason I bought the book.....- JFK reminded me of my Father..... (my Dad - died when I was very young (4) - My parents to the right) ..... the book still means everything to me - and I did learn from it .. probably one of the most impactful books I have read.
