President Trump is working so hard to Make America Great Again and God bless him! But this movement has moved beyond that to a global phenomena! After watching the wonderful video that got Q'd on Twitter, which I will post below, we need to be asking ourselves, WHAT ARE WE DOING TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER THAN EVER???
If President Trump and the White Hats can give up and sacrifice so much to Make America Great Again, and in doing so it becomes the biggest movement in human history, crossing over all race, gender, orientation, and ethnicity lines, then WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP MAKE THE WORLD BETTER THAN EVER??? FREE FOR EVERYONE!!!
We can start by SPREADING THE WORD!
And watch the video if you need motivation and inspiration! A reminder why we are still alive and here doing what we want and choose to do! Imagine if HRC would have won!