4 years ago - Translate


I'm really concerned.
few hours ago, Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel's PM) said during a briefing that the government is working on giving its citizens a monitoring bracelet that will beep every time they will get too close to each other. and he said.. think of it as the same sensors you have in the car, when you get too close to another car or object, it beeps.

he said that they want to start with giving it to the kids.

shit is about to hit the fan for us, and it starts right here in Israel.
that probably be phase 1, and when second wave of the plandemic will hit us on approx. June 21st. then we will be forced to take the vaccines.

I also think that if the government will see that we are not playing with them and we won't take the vaccines during wave #2... then we will see Wave #3 in October and then.. then it will be bad, and we are talking arrests, camps, the whole nine yards.

stay vigilant and if you here about this kind of plan in your countries.. know that we've been fooled.