4 years ago - Translate


Copied from a friend I’ve shared the entire post with photos.......

Let’s talk about MIKE PENCE....

??Followers of Q already know that Pence has been long gone.

“Pence is on a plane... going to a "FARAWAY PLACE!"" ✈️

~POTUS 5/8/202

??Pence is DIRTY‼️ No debate‼️

He’s deep state, and was NOT Trumps choice for VP.

??Pence was relieved of his VP duties last 4th July.

All VP powers were revoked including access to AF2.

??JFK jr was secretly sworn in on Sept. 18, 2019 and is assuming the responsibilities of the VP.

??Pence was replaced by the White Hats (cloned/synthetic) last July, and for optics ? has been playing out his role, (while wearing an ankle monitor) for the Alliance... the “good guys” in this movie??

He’s nothing more than a stand-in, a mouthpiece for POTUS.

?? What happened was, on July 2, 2019 Pence was aboard Air Force 2, heading home for the holiday. During the flight home AF2 received an Emergency “Return to Washington” message. While AF2 was in the turn around, it's Call Sign changed from AF2 to SAM239. SAM is Special Air Mission, alerting that the Vice President was no longer onboard. The only time a call sign would change like that is if he was dead, or stripped of his powers. It was after this that his clone was put in.

??There are emails between Pence, and then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan discussing a plan to assassinate POTUS, making Pence the President and Ryan the VP. These emails were intercepted by the NSA and Trump was alerted about the plot to have him assassinated. These emails can be found on Wikileaks.

?? And don’t be fooled by the “Christian” image he hides behind. If you believe Pence is a Christian and God fearing man, nothing could be more further from the truth.

??Pence is a pedophile, child rapist and murderer‼️

If treason and plotting to kill the president wasn’t enough... he and his wife Karen are connected to a massive child trafficking ring in Indiana from when he was governor, involving the murder of many children.

??There are currently numerous missing child cases in Minnesota involving Mike Pence. There are current court cases with his name on it. You can look this up.

?? You might ask, “So, if this is all true, why is Trump always praising Mike, and giving him credit for doing a great job?”


Keep your enemies close...

Potus is the master troller of FRAUD. He’s playing the game. He will expose someone, by simply making them expose themselves.

He’s always 17 chess moves ahead of everyone else. ♟?


?? I’ve exposed Pence a few times over the years, but was always shut down. No way anyone wanted to believe this “lovely family man” was a ped0phile... well, buckle up! ?

There are links and proof for all of this. I’ve spent countless hours doing my homework on Pence, and discovered who he was 4 years ago.

Now it’s your turn to wake up!
