Jeff Kite shared a post  
5 years ago


5 years ago

... you asked me 2 days ago what following Q posts has done in regards to me in losing my freedoms ... and this is my answer:
Most Americans seem to be not only willing to give up their freedoms, but are also willing to forego those of their children and grandchildren.
Americans have allowed freedoms to be taken away by the Federal government since the New Deal of the 1930s. 

What the New Deal was:

The New Deal was the effort by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in 1933, to respond to the calamity of the Great Depression and alleviate the despair besetting America.

The New Deal changed the face of America and laid the foundation for success in World War II and the prosperity of the postwar era – the greatest and fairest epoch in American history.  Most of all, the New Deal inspired a civic, cultural, and economic renaissance.
Unfortunately, the New Deal is fading from the collective memory of Americans — a casualty of time, neglect, and politics. 

Historians have long said that America would fall from within from immorality and apathy.
Americans seem to have been led into a belief that Big Brother will always take care of them, even if it means enslaving them.

Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. The two enemies of the people are criminals and government. So let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become a legalized version of the first.
~Thomas Jefferson~

“For far too long, we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength that we once formed to defend freedom and liberty to deteriorate. We became divided. We became weak. We elected traitors to govern us.”

The list of powers acquired by the U.S. government since 9/11 puts us in rather troubling company.

This is actually a really good read:

So regardless of what subject Q posts, conspiracy theorist or not (let it be known of this saying, that I am referring to myself because this is what I've been called for years), he's opened the eyes of many revealing the hidden evil that is destroying not only America, and countries all around the world, but also how this evil is devouring what little innocence there is left. Telling us to stand up and that we still have a chance to fight back.
Yes, many of our freedoms are gone, and that's due to us closing our eyes, ears, and hearts. Not seeing the warning signs or choosing not to. Not hearing the begging and pleading of generations both past and present telling us something isn't right, just, or fair because we we're too stubborn to listen. But most of all, we failed to love and care about fellow human beings, because we were too scared to show compassion and empathy as we thought they showed signs of weakness.
So now it's our time to take our countries back and return them to a starting point where it would be beneficial to the generations here and to come.
