Maryjane shared a post  
5 years ago


5 years ago

by QAnon John
God forgive me but if I hear one more person saying "nothing is happening," I may flip out and lose it! LOL! Are you seeing the momentous events that are happening right before your eyes?

The Black Pope, the Jesuit/Satanic leader of The Catholic Church, was found dead in Tokyo. That is the "Father General" of the entire Catholic Order. His hands are bloody with the souls of countless trafficked, abused, harvested, raped and murdered children for a long time.

Obama and the FBI has been exposed as clearly colluding with Five Eyes Intelligence agencies through the declassified information that Grennel from the ODNI released.

A ton of noted doctors are now joining forces to stand for truth, exposing the lockdown orders from Cabal-led CDC as detrimental to the public's health.

A Q-Anon follower wins a Senate Primary in OREGON.... OREGON!!!! ONE OF THE MOST COMMUNIST STATES IN AMERICA!!!!

The Supreme Court blocks the Democrats desperation move to open up another fake impeachment investigation, by blocking Mueller grand jury info.

Obama is soiling his royal pantaloons, suddenly a Chatty Kathy, who just can't stop yapping (which means he knows he's dead to rights). Tons of FBI officials and Obama Administration officials are now officially LAWYERED UP!

The CDC suddenly retracts their past Corona Virus hysteria, admitting that Corona Virus does not spread easily on contaminated surfaces (Trump's number on WHO made them do that).

Former Vice President Biden is listed as an alleged perpetrator in the firing of Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin, in a Ukrainian investigation.

President Trump just openly said that any Corona Virus Vaccines are not as important as many other emerging alternative therapies, including some from military doctors.

Leaked tapes of Biden are now all over Youtube, showing him openly colluding with the Ukrainian president to cover up the millions that him and his son made through Burisma.

Planned Parenthood was exposed for Corona Virus Stimulus fraud, accepting millions that they need to know return to the Federal Government.

Two new GOP senators are sworn in California in special elections. California is making the turn to, at the very least, a purple slant, and perhaps even a full-tilt red in November.

Surgical UV-Light treatment is now being put at the forefront at testing in regards to alternative treatments (slow disclosure of Cabal Light Treatment therapies used by the elite for years).

So many things are happening that right now if you are focused on the negative, you must be having a hard time staying negative. The only way that people can continue to ignore the avalanche of evidence of all of these positive events is by not critically thinking for themselves outside of the usual fear-porn and fear-mongering sources in the MSM and even in some religious circles.

I know that so many worship at the altar of negativity, they are addicts to terrible apocalyptic news, disinformation YouTube videos, and always trying to turn any positive discussion negative, but if you're able to be objective, and just do your own research, and think for yourselves (outside of the Drama-Queen hysteria of religion, the mainstream media, and some really terrible YouTube videos with garbage sourcing methods), America is definitely on the upswing.... like it or not.... accept it or not.

ThanQ E.F. Ortega!