
Seeing as I just mentioned him in my previous post, I want to start this post off with a quote from Mark Passio;

“In a time of overwhelming information available at people’s fingertips, the truth being ignored is not an option, it is a willful decision.”

It is one thing to notice what is going on, people will see the loss of freedoms, the ever-present surveillance, the rise of the police state. People will acknowledge that the world is turning into a prison, they will be able to describe the nooks and crannies, the locks on the cage and do so accurately. What they rarely, if ever do, is ask why. Even if they do ask why, they will frequently not pursue any thought that cannot be embodied beyond a meme.

Knowing what is going on in the world is hard enough. Understanding why, is a difficult task indeed. There is no tonic you can take that makes everything bad magically disappear. No pill you can take that provides instant understanding. The good news is that there is a way out of this mess humanity has allowed itself to be worked into. I will use another quote here; “The choice to know, will be yours”.

Often the first thing someone wants to do is to “solve the problems of the world”. This impulse, while admirable, is often misguided. Jordan Peterson breaks this down as rule #6, “Set Your House in Perfect Order Before You Criticize the World” in his book 12 Rules for Life. There are those that will be perfectly capable of hopping off the couch and changing the world, but I will assume that if you are reading this you are looking for foundational knowledge.

So, moving on, we must discuss problem solving. A necessary step that is required in our evolution.

Basic steps involved in of Problem Solving;

1. Recognize that a problem exists. Fear based denial of the problem must be dealt with and conquered. For most of those just waking up, this will be the first mountain you have to climb.

2. Recognize that the symptoms being displayed are merely effects of underlying causes. Therefore, instead of simply treating symptoms, make an accurate diagnosis of the causes of the problem.

3. Through the knowledge acquired via accurate diagnosis, take the required action necessary to rectify the causal factors which lead to the manifestation of the problem.

In my next post, I will expand on these three steps before moving on.