4 Jahre - übersetzen


Open letter to my fellow Anons & Digital Soldiers this Memorial Day weekend:

We are literally living through the most historic event in our Nations history since the Declaration of Independence.

I've often thought about our founders and if they truly realized how significant of a document they were creating when they drafted the Declaration of Independence.

We understand NOW...just how significant the Declaration of Independence was...but did the people living at the time... fully understand and appreciate it?

200 years ago our founders laid out a drastically different visions for what could be achieved.

Their vision was mocked and ridiculed...yet it would set forth a chain of events that would change the history of the world forever.

Everyone would read the same EXACT WORDS... and yet now...we preserve a once ridiculed document in our Nations Archives as one of our most treasured and sacred documents.

I'm sure many colonists...their fellow countryman...ridiculed our founders...There is no way a bunch of Rabble-rousersing, unsophisticated....dare I say Deplorables... could take on and defeat the British Crown.

Common men...the likes of Sam Adams, John Hancock, Ben Franklin, and John Adams were going to start a war with the King...of ENGLAND with the "ridiculous" words they wrote...

These were not men to admire,to follow, nor respect...these were FOOLS !!!

Certainly everyone could see it....It was so plain to see...It was right in front of them...How could anyone support such idiots?

Clearly they were uneducated and lacked the sophistication to comprehend world events.

These men... Our founders...were branded as traitors at the time... but time and history has certainly judged them differently.

Despite the over-whelming odds and the ridicule of their fellow Colonist...These men...our Founding Fathers... pledged to one another..."Their Lives, Their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honor".

Each individual decision...to sign their names... was a certain death sentence should they fail...Yet they choose to believe in a cause... and a vision, so few at the time could even fathom.

We are often told how history repeats itself...and it certainly does:

Are we not constantly told what a fool the current President is? Is it not plain for everyone to see? He is illegitimate....a reprobate...he "conspired" with our enemy to steal an election.

Was it not alleged that our founders were "conspiring" with Britains greatest enemy... the French... to achieve Independence? No loyal...respectable British subject... should condone such behavior.

Was Samuel Adams not labeled a crooked businessman and tax cheat? Was Ben Franklin not a well known womanizer for his time?

Did the media of the time not tell the colonists what disaster awaited these founders...and anyone who followed them.

These men were certain to hang for committing Treason against the crown...They spewed only lies and fantasy...that Liberty... could be achieved following such men.

Yet,..quietly... men like Thomas Paine and others...were publishing the "radical papers & ideas" of their day... it was the "alternative media" of the day...things like COMMON SENSE... that put forth a different vision of what was to come.

Were General Washington and his barefoot ragged militia not branded as a traitors and inferior by the official media and the crown?

Did they not have to endure defeat after defeat and the hands of the Red Coats?....Why would anyone willingly follow a disgraced and discredited General like Washington to places such as Valley Forge...

He offered no pay, no food, no shelter...disease and death was rampant.

Remain loyal to the King and ruling class...people were told...For that was the only logical path forward...

(They) are far wiser, educated and more respected around the world...
Is all of this starting to sound a little familiar to you?

History will indeed repeat itself...

As such, I sincerely offer...to each one of you...this bit of encouragement as we continue our fight...

Just as with our founders....in time history will surely judge us...the Anons...much differently as well.

In time your words...your sacrifices... your dedication to the cause of Liberty... will be honored by future generations.

Thank you for pledging your Lives, your Fortunes, and your sacred Honor to the cause of Liberty.