
#obamagate It is inevitable that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and others involved in the coup will be arrested. If the coup members are not arrested by the Department of Justice – they will be arrested by the U.S. Military....
When President Trump tweeted the word “OBAMAGATE” he was simply using a one-word-version for ‘they kidnap, torture, rape, and murder, babies and little children’. UkraineGate, the word UKRAINE causes EXTREME panic in all the OBAMAGATE players such as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper and many, many more. #beprepared https://ho1.us/2020/05/obamaga....te-des-arrestations-

ObamaGate, des arrestations [militaires] inévitables | √ HO1 – Holistic Overview #1 - The #1 AIO* Holistic View to understand several topics better !

ObamaGate, des arrestations [militaires] inévitables | √ HO1 – Holistic Overview #1 - The #1 AIO* Holistic View to understand several topics better !

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