
So with my first post i want to let everyone know while I'm not a Q supporter like i am assuming many are here i have seen enough truth come from this community that i have decided to dig in a bit with the hope of further enlightenment. That being said i hope to find people that will entertain some of the questions i have without dismissing me or telling me how stupid i am because i refuse to just follow the leader and just "trust the plan". My grammar isn't the greatest but don't confuse that with me being stupid, maybe ingorant but not stupid. Lastly please forgive my trust issues because after living in this empire of lies for more than 30 years ( Over 18 of them being told fairy tales of being free and the government has my best interest in mind) I like to see evidence. Just know if its Freedom your heart desires I'm fighting with you because ill be damned if these tyrants enslave my children anymore then We the subjects already are.
