Elle DiNardi added new photos to ST JOHN CHURCH DECODE
5 years ago - Translate


Yesterday when I was watching The President and his briefing in the ROSE GARDEN- the walk over to ST. JOHNS Church -burned and vandalized by the THUGS.

POTUS stood with a BIBLE in hand and a message board behind him- Standing in front of St JOHNS CHURCH.

Immediately - I saw letters popping out at me from the message board. I could see the WORDS forming without even putting it to paper. I woke up around 4am this morning and I could not stop thinking about the Message(s) that could be on the board. -So I got to work.

Within minutes - I saw the connection of words and the message.
I had to draw it out on paper and although difficult to follow - I connected the dots and saw a SMALL SAIL BOAT forming.

By connecting the words- "WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL"

From what I understand POTUS will NOT answer the QUESTION with a YES (if anyone were to ask him if he was Q).

My interpretation of this event - is telling me that this was the moment: I didn't get a close look - but the TIE looked like it had small Q's connecting. With his hand holding the Bible up high and the MESSAGE (that I saw on the Board)- this is telling me that he is telling us he is Q (or at the very least - part of the Q TEAM).

This made me think about this one VIDEO I must have watched over 20 times and probably have posted on here at least 5x's... I remember posting the video and saying "There is something I cannot shake from the video- I keep going back to it".

The video I will do separate as it holds all the confirmations needed for this very moment... I just need a bit more time to work out some numbers etc.

You will see the video with the small sail boat in the video with the SUN (Son) in the background. Once I show the incredible confirmations its just Mathematically impossible NOT TO BE...... The most relevant thing was a DATE on an old Q post (which at the time was signed R)- The date JUNE 1st.
