4 years ago - Translate


You lost us when you decided that “white people” can no longer have an opinion.
You lost us when you refuse to condemn the riots and attacks on innocent lives.
You lost us when you tried to shove the media generated catch phrase “white privilege” down our throats as we live in the most prosperous country in the world for everyone.
You lost us when the group that calls themselves Black Lives Matter never says a single word about the gang violence that kills more black people than anything else yet will burn down city after city against police.
You lost us when you tried to tell us we aren’t allowed to say that “all lives matter” and that it for some crazy reason should be taboo.
You lost us when you tried to tell us we can’t use words like “thugs” to describe people who rob, burn and murder innocent people.
You lost us when you tried to make a white person who is alive today guilty for sins committed 50-200 years ago.
You lost us when you viciously verbally attacked good people who disagreed even slightly with your narrative.
You lost us when you watched elderly women get beaten with 2x4’s, cops being run over and innocent people ripped out of vehicles and beaten to death, yet simply said its part of the process.
The way you have gone about your efforts for equality has divided this country deeper than it was 60 years ago and has lost the support of some great Americans.
I urge you to think really hard about this, for we still believe all lives should be equal and should matter, we simply can’t follow the path that you have created for it, do you want to continue to display extreme hypocrisy and lose the support of good people or is it time to re- strategize ?