
Time for a rambling on here, especially after that last Q post of Tucker Carlson. You know Q has been saying it's all a show. Well it doesn't FEEL like a show when the war is on our streets, businesses getting burnt down and now it seems like POTUS has no one around him that he can trust...Esper. I thought I did decodes saying that Sessions and Mattis, those tweets POTUS did, well my decodes told me that his tweets meant the opposite, that we are watching a show, but again, it doesn't FEEL like it. Maybe I'm wrong in those decodes and POTUS meant those tweets berating both of those men. Again, more men that were around him that he couldn't trust. I feel like I'm living in two different realities following the Q posts because matching up POTUS timestamps to the Q posts, well makes me read his tweets totally different than what they actually say. So which reality are we living in?

I'm just fine, not on any street nor having violence done to my home, but I have a friend that lives close to Minneapolis and my sister-in-law lives only about a mile from where all of the protests happened and well, they were both pretty nervous about things coming to their neighborhoods as the protesters start roaming out farther or heading on home as they do their burning of crap down and both are single women that live by themselves.

My daughter lives down near San Antonio and she said there isn't near as bad as Austin and Dallas but she also said that men got their guns and went to defend the Alamo AGAIN from vandals. They were going to be damned if they let the hoodlums wreck that place of pride for them. My daughter is usually pretty happy go lucky but today when I talked to her she is really getting worried and upset by all of this and I can't blame her...but seems to be getting upset at POTUS as well though...not good. She doesn't watch any news but just sees what's going on around her and is not liking it, who is? Just afraid this will start hurting POTUS if things don't start changing and soon.

The war is in our streets now and it just seems like POTUS can't trust anyone around him. I'm starting to get a little worried tonight now myself. I know positive vibes, but at what point do I wake up and say this just isn't working out. I mean I can see myself standing there while the world is burning around me singing songs like I can't see it, which is what it feels like I've kind of been doing. I'll keep posting songs, decoding, trying to put out positive vibes, but a little worry is creeping in tonight. Just curious how all of you Patriots are going out there. ARE YOU WELL?

11:49 PM 6/4/2020.