
The Department Of Education needs to be investigated and dismantled. Ronald Reagan said that back in 1980 and had the Democrats not been able to stop him he would have dismantled the entire system as unconstitutional. Today we face a larger more venomous DOE that is still to this day controlled by the Democrats. RR "The budget plan I submit to you on Feb. 8 will realize major savings by dismantling the Department of Education." We can no longer sit back and allow our children to be used as political pawns, if we can not stand up for ourselves, lets please stand up for our children. I ask of every Patriot to begin investigations into every Professor, the entire Board Of Education, every teacher in the profession. I started an investigation 3 1/2 years ago. We have some really bad people around our children, sexual predators, drug abusers, domestic abusers and some with zero integrity. Start checking there social media and take notes of what they are saying publicly, you will be shocked. Make A Stand For Our Childrens Education PLEASE!