5 years ago - Translate


I just wanted to say that I've seen a lot of people posting about how frustrating it is to be awake and having friends or family think you are either crazy or a conspiracy theorist. Here are some of my words of encouragement for you -

A) You are not alone.

? I've seen more people "wake up" in the past 4 months than I have in over a decade.

C) Even though people may mock or ridicule you - by merely stating your opinions, you are making them question things.

D) For every person who admits that they agree with you - there's 5 people who also agree but do not speak about it for fear of ridicule themselves.

E) Most people will not change their minds solely from conversations - they have to see it themselves.

F) This literally is an information war and by speaking difficult truths, you are fighting on the positive side.
G) The only ammo that you have in this war is knowledge - share it.

H) Do not let the naysayers make you mad or upset - have sympathy for them for not being able to swallow the red pill.

I) If you get attacked, sometimes it is best to NOT RESPOND. This will force people to research the info themselves.

J) Stay positive and stay strong - we are in this together and we will prevail!

Sending love and positive energy to all of you. Focus on a better world for every single human being on the planet (except maybe those who have been seeking to destroy it)

Courtesy of another patriot