
I want to speak to the Americans here on 'WEGO". I am in Australia...watching all of this amazing change unfold. I came here because I, like so many people in this country want to rise above the Matrix that has been enforced upon us. The things happening now in the US are undoubtedly World/Life /Reality changing....but I want the people of the US to understand that there are people here in Australia that have been first and front line in attacks from Deep State and the other evils which have been able to run rampant. Please include the rest of this world in your compassion and understanding...for you are not by any means the only soldiers fighting to save this World from EVIL.
In Australia we are still fighting for liberation from the same rhetoric which holds free people to injustice, Free minds from indoctrination..and the effects of control which most of our population here has not yet 'woken' from...and more of the population of this glorious world will be empowered to stand next to you in doing this work of Change!
Just my thoughts...