
Former FBI Peter Srzock's handwritten notes of Obama Biden meeting 1/5/2017 prove Obama ordered FBI HIT on FLYNN!

Well, the pussycat's out of the bag. Handwritten Notes kept as official record of a January 5, 2017 Meeting between Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Peter Strzock, James Comey and John Brennan, produced by the US Department of Justice in a FEDERAL COURT LAWSUIT on Monday, recorded that Barack Obama ORDERED a Justice Department FRAME OPERATION against newly appointed National Security Advisor to incoming President Donald Trump that resulted in a STING, FRAME and PERJURY Trap.

In its course, FBI committed perjury against FLYNN and falsified FBI 302 Action Reports and the HOAX Trump Russia Dossier to falsely claim Flynn lied and to THREATEN TO PROSECUTE AND JAIL HIS SON ON FAKE CRIMINAL CHARGES IF HE DIDN'T AGREE TO A PLEA DEAL.

The depth of the Obama ordered conspiracy led the Justice Department to order Charges to be withdrawn by the prosecutors, but OBAMA's closest friend in the world, Judge Emmett Sullivan, has REFUSED to accept their termination as a PERSONAL FAVOR for SICK F*CK BARACK OBAMA.

The Circuit Court above Sullivan has ordered him to sign the termination of charges in a strongly worded Order issued Monday that was released today.

Sullivan has rumored he will not comply with the ruling of the Apoellate Circuit Court Superior to his own Court to try to elevate it to a Supreme Court case with Chief Justice Roberts presently harboring malice towards the Trump Administration having gone over the Wall.

Obama knows FLYNN has enough information to send OBAMA to JAIL FOR LIFE since FLYNN Knows that OBAMA had Secret MEETINGS by phone with the Pakistani Taliban and head of their controlling influence, head of Pakistan's Army to help regulate US Marines and Army on the ground in Afghanistan to make them MORE VULNERABLE and less likely to succeed against the Taliban IN AFGHANISTAN, costing hundreds if now thousands of US Soldiers Lives.

Obama did this in Afghanistan and similar things with respect to Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Libya to sabotage US Diplomatic and Military Efforts, with the assistance of fellow Traitors Hillary Clinton and John Brennan, head of the CIA. As he had with Benghazi.

Chris Stephens was so close to discovering that Obama and Clinton were ARMING AL QAEDA, AL NUSRA and ISIS in North Africa and the Middle East, that he and Hillary set up Ambassador Stephens and orchestrated Ansar Al Islam / Al Nusra to assassinate him (and several se curity personnel) in the BENGHAZI incident and deliberately withheld backup military support.

These handwritten notes were made by FBI Special Agent Peter Stzrock and would lead to his halting termination of the FAKE FLYNN INVESTIGATION and IMPLEMENTING a FRAME UP Perjury Sting Trap against FLYNN as described above..

Stzrock, Biden, Obama, Comey and Brennan should GO TO JAIL FOR 20 YEARS for CRIMINAL VIOLATION OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, along with ALL THE FBI AGENTS INVOLVED. It appears OBAMA was seeking REVENGE against FLYNN for exposing the failure of his AFGHANISTAN programs, by publicly reporting the failure to quell the TALIBAN.

OBAMA knew but hid the Taliban ISIS and Al Qaeda were an ARM of the PAKISTAN ARMY. Pakistan's oligarch Narco Terror Barons are using AFGHANISTAN to grow POPPIES for Pakistan's Underground Heroin Economy. When in College at Occidental, Obama had dated his roommate, son of a Pakistani Narcotics Terror Baron, living in Karachi and even had gone abroad with him.

Exposure of this situation by Flynn in the routine scope of his job, resulted in his firing, and later on, retaliation steps by OBAMA, who is one sick little POS.

Make it so, Mr. Barr, on a priority basis. Here's a page of the notes. THE LARGE BLACK BLOCKS are the names of individuals protected FOR NOW by the Privacy Act.

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