Rage Alert!! Just want you to know I am furious!!! I don't even think there's a word that describes it right now! So if any of you know me, you know that my children and grandchild are my entire life and I would fight to the death for them and give up my own life for them. So you can imagine how I just felt when my daughter sent me this photo. A photo of my little grandbaby, Kais, ball that came in his Fisher-Price toy! That's Right! Fisher Price is paying their people extra time and money as well as paying to have this symbol stamped on the balls that they send out with these games. It would be cheaper and easier just to send a blank ball. But it is that important to them to have this symbol be exposed to the tiniest of our children! I want to vomit right now and there needs to be a number where you can report this kind of thing to have it stopped! We can put a stop to it by telling everybody that we know to boycott Fisher-Price no matter what! Please share this with everybody in your friends list and even tell people that you know have children or are buying baby shower presents for babies. We can make a difference! And by the way I will be writing a letter to Fisher-Price to let them know that they will be losing a lot of money because of this choice. I may even write to the FBI! Let's create a hashtag and make this go viral!! This is not OK! :sob: