
Dear Mr. Mark Zuckerberg:
You are a thief, a sham and a lie.
You stole the idea for this forum when you were at Harvard, but you were smart enough to copyright it first and in 2004, you launched what we now know as the behemoth known as Facebook.
Of course, you had help doing this, because you took in investors to launch your site. Ironic that you despise capitalism, but you got really rich from it, and screwed your original investors the first chance you had.
Fast forward to this year. You openly ban and block anyone who disagrees with you and your mincing minions at 1 Facebook Way. Your company recently announced a ban on the sitting President's advertising in his re-election campaign. What true American ideals you have!
Yes, you are for free speech, all right. As long as your ability to monitor and ban all opposing points of view is intact, you can even lie to the politicians you paid off and get away with it.
You sold your soul (if you really have one) to get famous and rich. Not too shabby for a socially-awkward kid whose daddy was a dentist.
It is no wonder why you hide behind your high walled-ringed estate in Hawaii; you truly have a lot of enemies.
I am but a tiny fish in a huge, glistening fish bowl on the Cyberwhirl, but your company is apparently terrified of a website that has the dreaded "p" word in its title: political.
Yes, you have blocked my website from being seen, shadow-banned me, squeezed my posts and who-knows-what else in the name of what? Can you explain that, Mr. Zuckerberg?
Your vaunted "Community Standards" are vaguely written and reads like a LibToad dream.
So go ahead and play your little game, because folks are onto you. In fact, the people who you despise the most are saying goodbye to your Socialist Bubble and leaving for good.
I am pretty positive one of your worker bees will eventually wake up from a three-hit bong lunch and ban me again. I expect it. In fact, I can actually show a real pattern of harassment and loss of income, which will be the basis of a lawsuit in a Federal Court.
Go ahead. Do your worst, because I am moving on to a greener and better pasture sooner or later.
A Real Derelict