

Who couldn't see this coming? You appease the mobs and they demand more. First they just wanted to police to be defunded by 1 billion and if that happened of course they would go away, nope. They got that and now they have more demands.

Hitler did the same. First he went for the Sudetenland in Austria after all it was at one time prior to WW1 a part of Germany, and the Austrians voted for it overwhelmingly (ever hear of rigged elections?), so the allies justified it by saying well since the Austrians want it fine. Then emboldened by the appeasement of the allies, Hitler demanded Czechoslovakia saying this will absolutely be my last demand. We can live in peace after this. So the allies being so terrified of another war caved, and handed Hitler Czechoslovakia on a silver platter refusing to even let the leaders of Czechoslovakia to participate in the negotiating to give their country to Hitler! They told the Czech you want to not give up your country, go ahead fight, but we won't help you. So they had no choice and they gave up their country. Then the allies got smart and made a treaty with Poland to protect her in case Hitler came after them, but of course he wouldn't Hitler promised and Neville Chamberlain had a paper signed by Hitler promising this was the end of his take over (no it was the end of peace). So when Hitler just waltzed into Poland after signing a treaty with Russia, the allies finally got smart and declared war. Unfortunately for Poland Britain nor France could do much to help them in such a short time so Poland too fell. We need to learn from history people.

New York City passes budget with police cuts, but some say it's not enough - Reuters

The New York City Council voted to pass the 2021 budget on Tuesday night with cuts to police funding after weeks of fraught negotiations with Mayor Bill de Blasio, but some lawmakers complained it fell short of a $1 billion cut they and protesters de