
I posted this on fakebook cuz I'm sick of the bickering. If it resonates with anyone else , you are free to copy it and share on your other platforms. Just please leave off my name.

It's taken me quite some time to compose this, because I don't want to come across as mean, rude, or snarky. This is really my point of view on the whole mask controversy.
Please take some time to think about this, and I mean really think, before you jump all over me. Now stick with me here, I have a number of points to cover.
I'm not a young woman. I'm pushing 70. That puts me in the category of at risk elderly. However, I had every childhood disease, bing, bang, boom, all at age 4. Darn near killed me, but here I am, now with a strong immune system. I've had pneumonia, scary when you can't breath, but that didn't kill me either. I've never ever had any kind of vaccination, and I don't get the flu. Well,except for when I stepped on a rusty nail. But I played in the dirt, drank from the garden hose, am constantly exposed to all kinds of germs, and all this strengthened my immunity.
So I'm not concerned about exposure. My health, my responsibility. But the government does not have the right to force me to vax, wear a mask, or quarantine if I'm not sick. And you don't have the right to either, any more than I do to force you to do the opposite. We, not the government, are responsible for our own health. The government is there to protect our rights, which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But how we obtain those rights is our responsibility.
If you are at high risk, you wear a mask, right? Or maybe you are a germ-a-phobe. That's not a jab, lots of people are. Most have some kind of phobia. I do. Mine is hostility. I do have a temper, and when unleashed , I tend to hurt people I really do care about.
OK, so you are sure your mask is protecting you, whatever your situation is. That's great! I'm not going to question your reason. It's your right of choice, right? It is also your right to choose when and where you wear it, yes? Do other people not have those same rights, or do they only apply to you? If the mask is keeping you safe from other people, do you really need it when there's no one else around you?
Now if you are wearing a mask to protect loved ones at risk, really, shouldn't they be the ones wearing a mask? That is, indeed, if they work at all.
My other point is this: I know people with conditions, such as asthma, COPD, Co2 poisoning, heart condition,etc. that make wearing a mask a danger to their health, as it makes breathing extremely difficult. How do I know why people don't wear one? How do I know why they do? Is it really any of my business to assault them with the question? Or get pissy if they don't agree with my opinion? If I do get sick, I will stay away from everyone until I'm better. That is how you protect others. Yes, there are thoughtless people out there that don't seem to care. That's why it is each persons responsibility for their own well being.
If you believe there is something out there that can make you sick enough to cost you your life, then you wear the mask, you social distance, you self quarantine. Just don't be so rude as to insist that I do it all. Your fear is not mine. I wish to live my life my way. So do most others.