
Hi everyone! So happy that WEGO is back up! I really missed everyone here. ❤️
Just wanted to let you all know that I’m doing well after finishing the first round of chemotherapy. Just fatigue and some body aches, no real sickness. My hair is starting to fall out, so next weekend we are going to have a head shaving party. My daughter bought me some really pretty head coverings and she’s promised to do my makeup so I can post a picture. ? I saw an eye Dr who specializes in blindness due to stroke and she did a LOT of tests on my eyes. (For those of you who don’t know me, I had a stroke during cancer surgery that took the vision from my left eye) This specialist thinks there is a good chance of me regaining some of the vision I lost over a period of time, but it will be slow because of chemo.
I thank anyone who has prayed for me, because prayer definitely works, I can feel it! I am very optimistic and feel God hasn’t brought me this far, just to miss the fantastic end to this movie! Jesus can do anything and I am completely unafraid.
Hope you have a peaceful night & wake happy!
You’re all in my prayers every night! Much love!
