
Shaming women for speaking their truth and having enough courage to share it is the exact reasons why social media is all the same. Pretty. Everyone is scared to say anything “Real” in fear of losing a “follower”. We need to be better than that.

If something gives you such a reaction, you should ask yourself, why. I read things that might not align with my beliefs but my first response or reaction is never to attack the person sharing their truth.

Our world isn’t pretty right now because people aren’t talking about serious issues. We have states that are war zones right now and some are fighting to keep it that way. Sorry, but that’s not the world I want to live in. So I won’t be quieted. Unfollow or follow me. I want powerful, bold, and fearless women in my tribe.

If you reading this and quieting yourself, it’s time to speak up. If you don’t like what has been going on in the world these last months, learn what is behind it so it doesn’t become our new norm. It’s not all what it seems.
#fightforfreedom #savethechildren #itsmorethanavirus #questioneverything #goodvsevil #wwg1wgaworldwide #freedom #standup #walkawaycampaign #speakyourtruth #speakup
