4 years ago - Translate


I'm hearing some disturbing things going on. The Dems & deep state intend to "Take" the election on Nov 3rd. They know they can't win. They know the vast public opinion is against them. So they intend to just take it, claiming they won.

They no longer have superior access like they did when Obama was in power. Their control over fraudulent voting mechanisms, satellites, rigged voting machines, mail in voting is diminished from the 2016 & 2018 elections. Trump is doing a great job at cutting off their schemes.

On election night, their comrades in the mainstream media are going to report that they won. They are just going to flat-out report incorrect numbers to solidify in everyone's mind that #demwits won.

However, they will use every means of illegal voting scams to back this up. They intend to intimidate and destroy Republican votes - as many as they possibly can. They want to rush their "newly elected" people into office with fast local swearing in ceremonies.

We’ve also heard but they will not declare a vice presidential running mate for Biden, at least not officially. IF things go their way and they have him as their faux president, Nancy Pelosi may be announced as VP after the election.

They will then lead a massive march, protest & riot to the White House to remove President Trump the next day. If not removed, they intend to have their candidate address the nation from Congress - their faux President will attempt to run the country from the Congressional chambers.

MSM will not allow President Trump any air time and will block every possible avenue from being communicated by him.

DC riots will take over police stations, shutting down and sealing off federal buildings, but just a practice run for what happens again the day. It is an extremely well-financed, well-planned and directed by both hostile foreign and US-based actors.

Be prepared to defend yourselves and your family. Get as prepared as possible during the weeks surrounding the election.
Support the President and those who support him and our country! Also, protect and DOCUMENT your vote with photographs. Tell everyone you know to do the same!

Please share far and wide on WeGo! This information is paraphrased from a thread by @Johnheretohelp on Twitter.