Ryan Stadel
First Trump tells us there is a storm behind him.
Then he tells us "I have a lot of rich enemies" and "this may be the last time you see me in a while."
Q clock points to post 44.
We may see "my fellow Americans..." soon
We are awaiting a specific tweet from Trump: "My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us." When we see that we know that all systems are go. POTUS will take to AF1. He will communicate via the public broadcast system. There will be military in the streets and they are there to round up and arrest the guilty. BE AT PEACE. YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES ARE SAFE.
During those "days of darkness" we will see on TV in 8 hour cycles all that has REALLY been going on in our world. It will be "Fall Cabal" for everyone.
I thought we would not see this until after the election but it is VERY possible that we may see it much sooner.
When communications come back up we will will have shifted into a new paradigm. I'm telling you what I know and hoping you are prepared. Grab some groceries and have gas in your car and some cash on hand. It is always good to be prepared just in case.
Turns out 11.11 and 12.21 line up with the :44 mark and Friday.
Check out the military activity in the skies!!! Keep your eyes on God and PRAY!!!
- A Q