
The Confession of the Awakened

Here I am, my eyes forced wide and jolted to the truth
Now all I see are lies that were once a part of my childhood.

The stars on the big screens are not just human.
I see now that they’re obscene, not our angels from heaven.

Those sturdy figures in DC are Satans in disguise.
They weren’t here to be of service but to take our money and our lives.

Oh, and of course, the trusted news in their respectful suits and concerned faces
They’ve been reading scripts that are not true, lying again and again to cover their evil traces.

I look at the world much more clearly, what was white is black and black is white.
I can connect all the dots and colors are vivid, but that doesn’t mean it’s a pretty sight.

I have a choice, to pretend or to fight, turn a blind eye and move with the crowd?
Or risk being alone in the midst of night and shout the truth aloud?

Yes, God is with me, but I confess that it’s still scary.
There were others before me who cried alone, probably,
because everyone thought they were crazy, including me.

Go back or march forward, what should I do? How can I possibly un-see the truth?
I can’t give up but keep going, because the choice is now the side of evil or good.