
So now THREE videos of Lara Trump, Eric's wife. So like Eric, THREE for Lara. All at 10:22

Q Post 1022:
We don’t say his name.
The protected flow into AZ is no more.
Under the cover of his health, he will not be seeking another term.

Well my mind is still with the babies here. That last word there. TERM. What term are you in during your pregnancy? Abortions were suppose to be rare, like for the health of a mother, (under the cover of health), but we have gone way beyond that in this country. Plus PPH talks about the health of women but all they do is abortions. So ya, this Q post has a feel to it that you are still on LIFE POTUS. Definitely the biggest PRO LIFE PRESIDENT EVA...as VK would put it.

10:43 pm 8/26/2020.