Meaning of life in a nutshell:
God is all knowing. He knew that knowledge without experience is not all knowing. He separated into pieces to experience every possible existence. He does this through us. So we are all Him/her. As Him, we are creators with unlimited choice. Each choice creates reality and alternate realities. We need to forget and assume we are separate to accomplish this. There has to be a bigger piece to hold the thought or all would be lost. You are the proof that God is real, and that we are never alone. Create in every moment. You have never been small. We have never been separated. Every choice creates possibilities and alternate realities, and places to experience. Dimensions, realities, and all are necessary and provide a never ending experience. This is how it’s all endless. It’s God as you waking around in your life. This is how he is never far away and knows every thought. This is how he loves you and wants what you want. He is the light and so are you. Create along with God in each day. Light creates, darkness destroys. This is why darkness needs to influence and seeks to control you and your choices. They have turned away from creation. They can only create through you. They don’t want you to know how powerful you are. If you did, it would be game over for them. Our game is endless.