Wow!!! What an amazing experience this was. From10 until 3 today. I stood with Ginger for the first hour. Thank you so much!!❤? Then a guy and his daughter showed up on his motorcycle, and they rode around with one of the signs. Thank you!!! ❤? A guy stopped to ask me what my sign was for and I said bringing awareness to child trafficking, to which he said, wow I hope my daughters grow up to be you. ?❤ That one got me teary eyed.??? Another girl stopped and wanted to take a picture with me and my sign. ❤? I had a lady stop and ask if she can join me next time!!?? I had tons of people give thumbs up, smile, wave, and honk their horns! Thank you!!!!
I had some negative encounters also. I was flipped off, told F u, given dirty looks, and laughed at. Not sure how anyone could have a problem with my sign.??♀️ To those people I say I'm praying for you.??
#saveourchildren #savethechildren #ourchildrenarenotforsale #wewillnotbesilent #lesstalkingmoredoing #wecanbethechange #childrendontjustdisappear #iwillnotbesilent
#ramblingsofablonde #wethepeople #childrenarenotforsale #bethelight #standup #letsgetloud #q #avoiceforthevoiceless #wwg1wga