4 years ago - Translate


paramiltary predators can do better if they kill themselves.....
so far, just 125 paramiltary predators did better this year....see Blue HELP

so far, 114 paramiltary predators allegedly died from Covid-19....see Officer Down Memorial Page

so far, 39 paramiltary predators died from gunshots.....see Officer Down Memorial Page

meanwhile, a total 661 civilians have been shot, as of August 30, 2020....see Statista.....

228 paramiltary predators killed themselves during 2019. see this for stats https://bluehelp.org/.

147 died of other causes, including just 48 by gunfire. see this for stats https://tinyurl.com/y2eooqfw.

125 paramilitary predators killed themselves during 2020. see the Blue HELP 2019 link for stats. they need to kill themselves at a rate of 1 per day, at a minimum.....

troops are folks who signed up to kill folks for valuable consideration. troops are subject to death by other folks as part of the job. troops get paid to kill; if they die on the job, oh well.

Blue H.E.L.P. - Honoring the Service of Police Officers Who Died by Suicide

Blue H.E.L.P. - Honoring the Service of Police Officers Who Died by Suicide

Blue H.E.L.P. Acknowledging the Service and Sacrifice of Law Enforcement Officers lost to Suicide and bringing Awareness to Police Officer PTSD.